The Fruitfull Dreams of EDEN

O-Canada! 25 Cent Doubly Doll Party Coins & $5 77 Generation Prime Supream Coins! If you put Dolls Behind Charity Boxes and have Doubly Doll Party Flyers Beside; everyone would donate to the Dolls and the Doll Party would get the work done. The Moon Business News would put on ZooTube Shows and Demo Advertise the Doubly Doll Party.

Doubly Doll Party - Doll God, Doll World, Doll Queen! May a heaping treasure of lands have Doubly Doll Jewels and a Crown of EDEN.
Doubly Doll Party - Life Care Card ✌️
Universe Dollology (Alpha-Omega)
Heavena Mystics (Man & God)
Astro'Therpy Star Sphere (Alpha-Omega)
Myth Smart Doll Games (Man & God)
Call 923-G&DD
So I have traveled around Canada working on ARC Knowledge haveing a Mental Disibility and then got hit by a transport truck as a pedestrian, and insurance is covering my rent indefinitely as I recover. Well where is your money? I am setting up a TRUST ACCOUNT with my POA, she is my sister, but I do not have very much money. I need to socialize professionally insurable to be accepted and choose not to talk too much. It takes 10 years to recover where every year is worth 5 until I am of age. I'm at my adulthoods now for I got into the catastrophic accident in 2016 and am working on a higher active mind, body, spirit this recovery first year. I am using my laptop to take school, am working 2 part time jobs 10 + 10 hours a week and have made a webpage.
Now is the time to say Survival & Recovery First. I've got a bike and fitness pass. I've got 2 part time jobs and have a thank God it's Friday Tavern outing where i take a taxi home. I've got a TV and completed my webpage resume site. Oh, and I've got a Credit Card to fix up my credit rating. When I treasure shopped while I stayed in Toronto Group homes I stored all my stuff in bins to setup in the future. Now that i have a Privite Room here in Gravenhurst some of my material culture needs to be appraised. And I plan on building my bank account to be over $10,000 in the near future. War until the Zenith!
I've got my DOLL VAULT 1G Full now; 666 is the Mark of the Beast! You think 50 Moons is a good year? The Doll Vault is for Emergancy Start Up Funds and my Dolls say 5G is necessary due to furnisher and first & last months rent and so I am going to build a 10G bank account this comming year. You ARC Knowledge Trend a Happy Year, Good Season, Love Moon?

The Inner-Great Forest & Outer- Great Mountians have a Prestige YouTube Studio that Property Manages with an Entertainment Army - Substidized Organizations.
This is a picture of my daughter that me and my x-wife got while we were married. You must know that I selected her because she was rare; she is a left handed vegetarian that is shy but very creative in word of mouth; she has a strange family too that most people run away from. So psychicly you want to know my Survival from separation? I will tell you a fable but it will take some time to write. I will tell you a tale but beware of the rats & pigs & chickens of civilization.
Well, the Divine said that a Doubly Doll Earth Party is alike a Business where all you need to do is collect dolls. A Porcelain Doll is not a Toy! After separation I traveled around Canada, Survival first (2011 - 2016); And then got hit by a Transport Truck, Recovery first (2016 - present); Survival & Recovery is a Myth that has come true, and an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth is a fulfillment for I have a damage from the accident. (Before & After Doubly Doll Party Communications is a Paranormal Episode that we need a psychiatrist for.)
Huummm, the Survival & Recovery flows with the 2023-2-1-Blastoff which flows with the 2020-30-60-99-Centur'ume and so I may be done talking for a while. Have a beautiful life and take care. Bye for now.
The Lunar Plex City's Webpage!
Home is where the Heart is (y2)
Charity Cheers (x3 & z1)
Angels and Doll Supreams (x3 & z1)
Playfull Rankings (x2 & z2)
Divine Governace (x2 & z2)
Enviro Mystics (x1 & z3)
Mother Earth (x1 & z3)
Astrology Spirits (y1 & y3)
Gods God (y1 & y3)
My Doubly Doll Century-Resume! Doll God, Doll World, Doll Queen! Doubly Doll Party!
The Enviro-Mystics Moon, The Zoo Moon, and the Myth-Family Moon can be a Totem Coin! A porcelain Totem Chiefs Christmas Tree has porcelain Zoo Animal Ornaments that go with a porcelain Adam & Eve Puppet Show Astrology teaching. The Totem Chiefs Musical-Mural Flower Press can then be hung around the room teaching SUN YOGA and giveing out SUN STONES in SUN PYRAMID honor. The Doll Earth & Moon, Doll Heaven & Hell, Doll ParaDollx is a Totem Chiefs Divine Relations. Have a Merry Festive Solstice-Equinox Moon Dance!
🎃 Hallow Moon Therapy:
With or Without Doubly Doll Party,
Trick or Treat - Its a Fundraiser,
Happy Halloween of/and Care Full 🔥